Sunday, June 14, 2009

Weeeeeeeeeeeee! Something to be excited about...

My most fave show is coming back August 16th..finally something to do Sunday nights


hub of the house said...

OMG OMG OMG!!!!! This is the best show ever ever ever!!! aug 16th?? that's 2 months...ugh!

hub of the house said...

dying for more mad men AND more blogs for you!!!

hub of the house said...

yoyoyoyoyoyo GENE! where are you?

hub of the house said...

hey jean!! update us with some fun!!!

hub of the house said...

BLOG BLOG! steal pics from my lastest jen post...Tim loves you

hub of the house said...

ok...MAD MEN is finally here, you will need a new post!! feel free to steal some from me!

hub of the house said...

hi gene! do you get my comments?

hub of the house said...

GENE!!! Don't make me come over there!!!

hub of the house said...

hope your honeymoon was AMAZING!!!

hub of the house said...

UPDATE YOUR BLOG!!!!!! you have sooo much to post and sooo many pics - PLEASE