Thursday, March 27, 2008

Those were the Days

Another thanks to Meg for digging this picture up. I believe that this was the third meeting with Billy. We first met at the annual 1441 Halloween Party. I was dressed as a mental patient, Billy was a pirate. Thanks to the help of A LOT of people ( Justin Thirsk, Jen Peterson, Stacey Sarconi, Hillary Taylor, Christian Taylor, Sara Harty, Megan Taylor no relation to the Taylor's and Mia McNeice) ...I stalked, I called, I captured. Since I would not do anything without my girlfriends, I had Billy meet all of us at Manhattan Coolers for dinner and then to Sangria? for dancing and drinks. We have pretty much been inseparable ever since although it's all pretty much a fog, but, 8 1/2 years later, we are still together, yet a couple hair -do's and lbs. different. I miss Manhattan Coolers...


hub of the house said...

was that the first time you met?

We are the Harty's said...

I am DYING at this picture. Was this the night after you made me stalk him with you at Becker and then later that night at Mermaid? You kids. So cute.

hub of the house said...

those were such fun times!!!

hub of the house said...

i miss the summer hummers!

hub of the house said...

what did you do this weekend gene? do you have pics of it?

hub of the house said...

why no new blogs???

hub of the house said...

GENE!! can you please blog...anything will work for me!

hub of the house said...

GENE!!! honestly! are you serious? what is the point?